Friday 18 May 2012

Bye Grimsby Hello Wells........

The wind abated, the gates opened and we were gone.  From Grimsby Marina that is.  Up at 0315 and 0400 we were off.  Tony was on lock duty and bade us farewell as we finally exited the dock the dock and headed for sea.  The wind was a steady force 3 as we headed out of the river, past Cleethorpe's pier, Bull sand fort, past a tanker discharging her oil on the Tetney Monobouy and on past the DZ bouy's out to sea.  The breeze continued a steady 3 but from the south so motor on and a steady 7 knots towards Wells. There was a long swell coming from the north as we passed North Somercoates, Mablethorpe and Skegness wind farms.  Quite a pleasant trip apart from the cloud and cold.  We eventually arrived off Wells at 1215 and dropped our anchor in Holkham bay to await the tide.  Wells is a tidal harbour and we had to wait until there was sufficient water over the bar at 1530.  The harbour launch met us at the outer Port hand bouy and led us through the rather twisty route around the sand banks allowing us to moor to the pontoon by 1615.  We all sat and relaxed and felt good that we had finally escaped.  Tea of Bacon, Lincolnshire chipolata sausages, eggs and Mushrooms was just the job.  A couple of drinks aboard the Albatross, an old sailing brigg remaking old acquaintanceships from last year and home to Zigzu for a good old sleep.  Photo's to follow.

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