Saturday 3 March 2012

Summer 2012

Where did 2011 go? I missed out all of last year on the blog as I found it easier to use facebook instead but this year I want to try and use the blog as it is more accessible. We have been torn between doing Holland and The Channel Islands this year but The Channel Islands have won through for two or three reasons. Neither of us are keen on mooring bows too and the club are planning to go to the Channel Islands as well. We are planning to set off on the 20th April 2012 our first stop being Wells followed by Lowestoft, Woolverstone/Shotley, Ramsgate, Dover then either Boulogne, Dieppe, Honfleur, Cherbourgh and Guernsey or carry on to Portland, Aldernay and Guernsey. Only plans though.

We bit the bullet regards painting the hull last year soda blasting everything below the waterline and building it up again with Jotamastic two pack paint. Bringing the boat out on the 5th March to check her before we go and hopefully the paint jobs a good'un. Serviced the engine and done a thorough paint job inside including the bright work.

We hopefully have crew this year. Ben and Michelle are joining us at some point whilst John and Anthea are starting at Grimsby and staying until they cannot stand it any longer.

Only 7 weeks to go.

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