Thursday 24 June 2010

Scarborough 24th June 2010

Our first moorings before getting a tow to the pontoon.

A lot of the time in the last few days have been spent working on the engine but we have still managed to enjoy ourselves. Sadly we went to Whitby on Tuesday to throw Chris's wedding bouquet into the sea. Chris wanted to do this in memory of Mark as it was his happy place and where Mark and me have spent many happy hours fishing. God bless you mate, we both miss you so much. My eyes still watering thinking on it. Love you, you are my best mate and brother, you should have been with us next week. BIG HUGS.

On to happier things when me eyes clear. It was a really pleasant surprise when Keith and Hilary turned up on Libero. They are from Grimsby HCA and Keith introduced us to a drink called Dark and Stormy. Dark and Stormy is Rum mixed with good quality ginger beer and slices of lemon. Very nice and it was a great moral boost to have company from home. We also met a dutch chap called Marinda who is on his way to the Shetlands and then Norway. Chris and I have discovered Alzoni's Ice cream parlour. Brilliant milk shakes and ice cream. We have to limit our visits. Well waiting for the replacement exhaust. Hopefully it will arrive today so a few more pictures and see you again soon.

1 comment:

AntheaB said...

Following your travels. I've created an identity so I can add comments. Hope the engine gets well soon.