Friday 3 October 2008

Off at last

Moored on the Yacht Club pontoon Dartmouth
Early start as we set off for Brixham. We leave Plymouth with no problems and motor sail along the coast towards Salcombe. Zigzu averages around 6 knots. As we sail towards Dartmouth we try sailing and Zigzu responds with a steady six knots in the force 5 south westerlies. When we switch the motor on there is no response from the engine. We are forced to ask for assistance from the coastguard and three boats offer us a tow into Dartmouth. We are towed in by a Catarmaran and an engineer is booked for the morning. I am now red faced as I have accidentally knocked the propshaft brake on with some cushions and this has caused the safety switch to disable the engine. We switch the engine back on and refuel at the barge ready for the trip to Weymouth in the morning. Whilst in Dartmouth we have guests for tea, Fi, Steve, Mia and Amy come to see ZIGZU and admire ZIGZU's graceful lines and they are suitably impressed. On Monday, my previous embarrasement with the engine is saved because as we leave the berth, the exhaust alarm goes off and we have to return and request a visit by the engineer. We have a split in the water intake hose to the Jabesco pump. This is the pump that pumps water to the engines heat exchanger. This has unfortunately damaged the impellar. Fortunately we have a spare and after an hours delay we on our way again. We head off for Weymouth. Yahoooo.

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